Castello di Strozzavolpe

Castello di Strozzavolpe


Privacy policy

Information on the processing of personal data pursuant to art. 13 and 14 of EU Regulation 2016/679

In compliance with the provisions of the European Regulation EU 2016/679 on this page, the site manager intends to provide some information on the processing of personal data relating to users who visit or consult the website


The following information concerns only the aforementioned website, excluding any websites consulted by the user via links, for which please refer to the respective information on the processing of personal data.

Owner and manager
The site manager acting as data controller of the personal data collected is Federico Arcangeli, e-mail address:

The complete list of appointed data controllers is available from the site owner, at the references indicated above.


Type of data collected
The following categories of personal data may be collected through the various services and contact channels described in this Policy:

Contact data – information such as first name, last name and email address
Use of the Site and Communications – information relating to the ways in which you use the website, open or forward communications, as well as information collected through cookies and other tracking technologies (in this regard, please refer to the Cookie Policy).

Purpose and legal basis of the processing
The data provided by filling out the contact form on the website will be processed for the following purposes:

a) To answer questions regarding the products marketed. The processing of data for the purposes indicated above finds its legal basis in the art. 6 paragraph 1 letter. a (consent), lett. b (execution of pre-contractual and contractual obligations), letter. c (fulfill legal obligation) letter. f (legitimate interest) EU Reg. 2016/679.

Treatment methods
The data processing will be based on the principles of correctness, lawfulness and transparency and will be carried out both with IT tools and by means of paper support suitable for archiving, management and transmission. The processing will take place using suitable tools, as regards reason and the present state of technology , to guarantee security and confidentiality through the use of adequate procedures that avoid the risk of loss, unauthorized access, illicit use and dissemination.

Data of minors
The services offered on the website are not intended for minors. We will not, to the best of our knowledge, collect personal information from minors without the consent of a parent or guardian (except as permitted by applicable law). You must be eighteen years old to be able to provide personal data on the website and have access to the services offered.

Nature of data provision and consequences of consent
The provision of data and the related consent to processing, communication and transfer are mandatory for the execution of the relationship. Refusal entails the impossibility of achieving the goals set.

Where the data will be processed
Your data will not be transferred to other countries not belonging to the European Union.

Data retention period
The personal data provided will be kept only for the time necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected or for any other legitimate related purpose (for example, where they are relevant for a defense against claims made against the site owner or in the presence of a legitimate interest). In the event that consent is revoked, the data may still be retained in order to manage any disputes and/or litigation.

Data security
The methods of data processing and communication are carried out in close connection with the purposes set out above and with the relevant consent, using suitable tools to guarantee their security and confidentiality, with the aid of electronic computers. The website is hosted on Aruba Server, equipped with efficient systems for data defense and monitoring. For further information, consult the page with the characteristics of the Data Center. Furthermore, the website is equipped with an Aruba SSL Certificate, to guarantee even more secure data transfer.

Exercise of rights
You may exercise the rights provided for by the European Regulation EU 2016/679 at any time. You have the right to receive clear information free of charge regarding the personal data processed or stored. You also have the following rights:

  • Right of access – the right to know what data has been collected and how it is processed;
  • Right of rectification – the right to request modification of personal data if they are no longer valid;
  • Right to cancellation – the right to request the cancellation of your personal data;
  • Right to restriction of processing – the right to limit the processing of the personal data you provide;
  • Right to data portability – the right to transfer personal data in an automatically readable format;
  • Right to object – the right to object to the processing of personal data;
  • Right of revocation – the right to revoke consent at any time without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before the revocation; right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority.

You can exercise your rights with a written request addressed to the site manager via e-mail at


Cookie Policy

With the entry into force of the Cookie Law sanctioned by European legislation, every website must comply with a certain regulation. With the information below, Az. Agricola Bellavista, in compliance with this regulation,  looks to provide you with as much useful information in this regard as possible.

What is a cookie?
A cookie (cookie) is a simple string of text that the site you are visiting automatically sends to your computer or smartphone (specifically within the browser you are using to navigate). A cookie takes up very little space even if each website generally sends you more than one and of different types.

Cookies are mainly divided into two categories: technical cookies and profiling cookies. As regards technical cookies, they are strictly linked to navigation, they tend to improve it and do not “collect” information related to visitor users. Examples include those linked to sessions, which are used for normal navigation of the site, those of external statistics services, which are used to record the number of accesses to various web pages or those which are used to memorize the language or font size. For this type of cookies, express consent from visitors or communication to the Privacy Guarantor is not mandatory but it is necessary to formulate and make available on the website only this information. Profiling cookies, on the other hand, are used specifically to profile and categorize each visitor in order, for example, to provide them with targeted advertising based on their browsing habits. Our site does not use profiling cookies.

Who sends cookies?
Cookies can be sent by the site you are visiting or by external components on which the site itself relies. The site that directly installs the cookies is responsible for them directly, while for cookies installed by external services the visitor must refer to the relevant cookie policies present on the pages of the respective websites. Google Analytics cookies are among the cookies installed by third parties.

How to know if a site sends cookies?
Since the installation takes place “behind the scenes” you have no way of knowing if a site is installing cookies in your browser. To view them, however, you can make use of some free and easy-to-use tools made available by different browsers. Using Google Chrome you can use the “developer tool”. While you are on the page you are interested in, you can press F12 from the keyboard or, from the menu at the top right, click on “other tools” -> “developer tools”. A page will open. In the same click on “Resouces” or “Resources” in the top menu. Then select the “Cookies” item from the left side menu. Click on the triangle, select the site you are interested in (if listed). A table will appear on the right in which you can view all the information on the cookies installed in the browser from the same website. You can view the name of the cookie, the value assigned (generally encrypted), the URL of the site that installed it, the size, the expiration date.

How to delete cookies
We remind you that you can delete the cookies installed in your browser by clicking the “other tools” item in the menu at the top right and opening the tab that opens by clicking on “delete browsing data”. You can also, through settings, prevent websites from automatically installing cookies in your browser.

What cookies does or could the site send?
The site uses technical cookies and third-party cookies, for example Google Analytics. Technical cookies are used to keep track of some of your choices, such as closing the banner you see (or have seen) above relating to the Cookie Policy.

Furthermore, the site installs a session cookie which serves only to record your visit to the site itself without collecting any type of particular data.

To view the Cookie Policies of external services, we refer you to the relevant links for further information:

Google Analytics

How to disable cookies
Below we indicate to Users the links that explain how to manage or disable cookies for the most popular internet browsers:

Internet Explorer:
Google Chrome:
Mozilla Firefox: